Top 7 Jobs In IT Security In 2024

March 23rd, 2019
Jobs In IT Security

Th3re is a scarcity of skilled professionals in the field of IT security all over the world today. According to ISACA, a nonprofit information security advocacy group, there will be  about 2 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs globally by 2019, causing salary potential in the IT security space to skyrocket exponentially. if you're sufficiently skilled in IT security, the challenge lies in identifying the right certification, you can expect to earn a salary well over $170,000. There are many options in IT security, including Certified Ethical Hacker, CISA, CISM, GSEC, CWSP, CompTIA+, and ISSEP/CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), all of which can help you reach the role you're aiming for.

In this article, we tell you the most sought-after jobs in IT security, their core job responsibilities, required qualifications, and median salaries to help you choose the most suited career path in this field.

  • Lead Software Security Engineer:-

At this time business world, securing sensitive client information is a top priority for all companies everywhere. Security testing, training, and automation is a constant process that needs to be monitored and updated regularly by the lead security engineer. The lead software security engineer takes on various amenabilities to ensure essential security measures across the organization's operations in place. Check the list of professional course

Amenability includes analyzing software designs from a security perspective, so engineers should be skilled in security analysis, defenses and countermeasures at each stage of the software development cycle to help develop durable and reliable software.

They should also be able to identify and resolve any gaps in security during software execution. In addition, they're responsible for recommending and deploying training programs for the team on the various IT security tools and best practices.

A lead software security engineer often goes on to become a security architect, security manager or security director.

Qualification Required : Bachelor's degree in computer science or cybersecurity. Knowledge about tools like IDS/IPS and MySQL database platforms.

  • Chief Security Officer (CSO):-

The Chief Security Officer is directly responsible for the IT security function of  a Company. The global and infinite nature of the internet implies that your information is always at risk of being tapped into by hackers, posing a myriad of criminal threats and hazards. Chief Security Officer's are responsible for overseeing and handle their organizations' digital security requirements, including computer networks. Chief Security Officer  plays a main role in identifying and repelling existing and emerging threats.

 CSO should also be able to establish and communicate the best practices in data security and monitor the effectiveness of security operations within the organization. A chief security officer's role typically involves building technical and interpersonal skills before going on to senior level positions such as Security Manager or Security Director.

Qualification Required: Bachelor's degree in computer science or Cyber Security. A technical master's degree with a concentration in IT security is also becoming a standard prerequisite.

  • Security Consultant:-

The IT security hierarchy requires personnel that understand security from the ground up—here's where a security consultant comes in. A security consultant's main responsibility is to originate effective Cyber Security strategies across an organization. Security consultants conduct tests on the company's security systems to determine weak areas that are penetrable to external threats. They are also responsible for preparing reports detailing the weak areas and petition suitable corrective measures. They also require solid communication, negotiation and project management skills.

Security Consultants that build their portfolios can go on to become Security Architects or Security Managers.

Qualification Required: A bachelor's degree in computer science or Cyber Security is a basic prerequisite. Years of experience, working knowledge of industry rules, deep knowledge of enterprise security vendors and products along with professional certifications are usually preferred by hiring companies.

  • Chief Information Security Officer (CISO):-

A Chief Information Security Officer focuses on protecting an organization's data and intellectual property. As the head of IT security, the CSIO  must be able to strategize and implement the IT security strategy and protect the business from security threats and cyber-hacking. They are also responsible for assessing and reporting any probable security threats and implementing an effective process for reporting security related incidents.

A Chief Information Security Officer gains experience with leadership and project management roles before moving onto roles such as those of an IT Project Manager or a Security Director.

Qualification Required: A Bachelor's degree in computer science and extensive security certifications.

  • Director of Security:-

Director of Security administers and maintains cybersecurity policies for an company. Typically a Director of Security reports to the top management of the company and may communicate with law enforcement on security matters. Main responsibilities revolve around minimizing the risk of external attacks by guiding internal teams in implementing and maintaining proper security procedures. Tasked with ensuring the safety and security of the physical assets maintained by the company, the director of security monitors and supervises the entire staff responsible for the company's security equipment, while also overseeing the budget drawn up to cover this operation.

Qualification Required: A bachelor's degree in computer science or cybersecurity. A master's degree with a concentration in IT security course will also give you an edge

  • Lead Security Engineer:-

If you surpass at multitasking and can handle the challenges that come with it, a job as a lead security engineer offers a stirring opportunity that combines multiple responsibilities within a company such as securing operating environments, telephone and video conference systems, software, hardware, and information. Strong leadership skills are crucial, as the lead security engineer is expected to oversee and lead a team, with a short-to-long-term view of assembling a team of capable security experts. Frequent clients interplay that crops up in this role means the ideal candidate must also possess strong communication, social and interpersonal skills.

Qualification Required:- A Bachelor's degree in computer science and extensive security certifications.

  • Cyber Security Engineer:-

Cyber Security Engineers play an ental role in keeping the company safe from both internal and external threats. It requires copartnership with various departments to define security protocols and to secure IT systems for the company. Other responsibilities include examining computer code bases to eliminate coding vulnerabilities, installing security applications and hardware to protect the company's systems and installations against cyber threats.

Qualification Required:-A  Bachelor's degree in a technical field, with some on-the-job experience. ISC's Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) or EC-Council's Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) credential might be required or preferred, depending on the job.

IT security is an in-demand field. Growing cyber attacks and threats mean that companies have a growing need for professionals who will implement ctber security measures needed to protection of sensitive data. This is a high-paying field, but that's not the only draw. It's a field that's constantly changing, provides new challenges and is critical for an company's success.

igmGuru's Cyber Security Online Certification courses are designed according to CompTIA And ISC2 Certification Exam to make sure candidate passes the exam in the first attempt. Cybersecurity, computer security or IT security is the protection of computer systems from the theft of or damage to their hardware, software or electronic data, as well as from disruption or misdirection of the services they provide. Cyber security Course includes controlling physical access to system hardware, as well as protecting against the harm that may be done via network access, malicious data and code injection.

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