Top RPA Interview Questions and Answers

January 13th, 2024
RPA Interview Questions

The Robotic Process Automation or RPA market expansion is expected to take a big jump from $3.10 billion USD in 2023 to $11.37 billion USD in 2028, at a staggering CAGR of 29.70%. More and more companies are adopting RPA to boost their productivity and generate a better ROI. This has led to a lot of aspirants moving towards the path of learning automation tools. There are a lot of great tools out there, of which, UiPath is a leading name. You can choose to go for a UiPath certification course to get started. Ultimately, you would want to ace the interview into your favorite company and for that, this blog brings to you top RPA interview questions.

Let's begin!

Top RPA Interview Questions

Let us begin by exploring some of the top RPA interview questions that are most frequently asked. This list also comprises RPA developer interview questions to help you crack any interview you sit for.

Question 1. What are some of the top applications of RPA?

Ans. Some of the top applications of RPA include:

  • Invoice processing
  • Onboarding
  • Barcode scanning
  • Maintaining customer data
  • Report generation
  • Price comparison
  • Information validation
  • Extracting data from various files
  • Data entry and migration, etc. 

Question 2. What steps should be followed prior to implementing RPA?

Ans. To successfully implement RPA, an organization should -

  • Identify automation opportunities
  • Pick a process that fits best
  • Develop a business case
  • Pick the right RPA vendor
  • Model RPA development
  • Begin building RPA bots

Question 3. Can we audit RPA processes?

Ans. Yes, RPA processes can be audited to learn more about how new strategies can benefit the organization.

Question 4. How is Robotic Process Automation different from Traditional Automation?

Ans. Traditional Automation and Robotic Process Automation showcase a vast difference.

RPA Interview Questions

Technology - Traditional Automation is less scalable, less versatile, and more instructive. RPA, however, is highly scalable and versatile, along with being non-instructive.

Implementation - Traditional Automation can take months for implementation wherein RPA provides pretty quick implementation.

Use - Traditional Automation executes pre-determined programmatic instructions while RPA mimics rule-based and repetitive human actions.

Cost - Traditional Automation may seem cheaper at the beginning but ultimately costs more. RPA, inversely, may seem costly initially but ultimately saves resources.

Question 5. What does a thick client and a thin client refer to in RPA?

Ans. In RPA, here is what a thick client and a thin client refer to:

Thin Client - An application that runs on a virtual server or client architect rather than on a local machine. For instance, VirtualBox, VMware, etc.

Thick Client - An application that is installed directly onto a local machine. For instance, apps like Browser, Notepad, etc.

Question 6. Describe the RPA lifecycle.

Ans. The RPA lifecycle consists of the following stages.

Planning - Identifying suitable processes for automation, defining the objectives and goals, and assessing the feasibility of each process to implement RPA. A roadmap is created and resources are allocated for RPA implementation.

Development - Automation solutions are developed here via configure software bots and top RPA platforms and tools.

Testing - This stage is to identify and then rectify any issues arising in the developed automation workflows.

Deployment - After thorough testing, the automation solution is ready for deployment. All needed infrastructure and software is installed and configured.

Maintenance - The performance of the automation solution that has been deployed is monitored to make enhancements or adjustments, as needed.

Question 7. What is Screen Scraping in RPA?

Ans. An key aspect of the RPA toolkit, Screen Scraping refers to the process of accumulating an application's screen display data and then translating it to be displayed by another application.

You may also like- How To Learn RPA UiPath? A Guide For Beginners

Question 8. Name a few advantages of RPA?

Ans. RPA brings a lot of advantages to the table including-

  • Reduced costs
  • High accuracy and quality
  • Reduced workload
  • Improved business results
  • Reduced operational risks
  • High scalability
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction

Question 9. What are the top RPA tools?

Ans. The top RPA tools today are -

  • UiPath
  • Automation Anywhere
  • BluePrism
  • Workfusion 

Top RPA UiPath Interview Questions

Now that we have covered some of the top RPA interview questions, it is time to give you a peek into some of the most often asked RPA UiPath interview questions. If you have already completed your UiPath training and certification, you will already know the answers to these questions. Here are the most frequently asked ones!

Question 10. What are the steps to deploy UiPath?

Ans. The steps to deploy UiPath are:

  • Download the UiPath platform from its website
  • Install UiPath Studio by following the on-screen instructions
  • Activate the UiPath License using the license key that's provided
  • Set up UiPath Orchestrator, though it's optional
  • Develop automation workflows using UiPath Studio
  • Test and debug to validate the automation workflows
  • Publish and deploy the automation workflows
  • Monitor and maintain

Question 11. What are activities in UiPath?

Ans. Every activity needed for creating an automation project is contained in the System Activities Pack. These facilitate in:

  • Interacting directly with files and directories on the system to carry out a task that a human user would.
  • Manipulating data tables by extracting or adding important information. 

Question 12. What does UiPath Studio consist of?

Ans. UiPath Studio consists of -

  • GUI Dashboard
  • Logging and Exception Handling
  • Types of Recorders
  • Reusable Components

Question 13. Explain a UiPath Robot.

Ans. A UiPath Robot refers to this tool's execution agent that facilitates the developer in running processes that have been created in Studio.

Question 14. Name the different UiPath Robot components?

Ans. The different components of UiPath Robot are:

  • UiPath Assistant
  • Service
  • Command Line Interface
  • Executor

Question 15. List the key features of UiPath?

Ans. UiPath is full of features including:

key features of UiPath

  • High security and robustness
  • In-built activities in UiPath
  • Advanced scraping options
  • Drag-and-drop workflow
  • Record and playback


When it comes to making a career in the field of robotic process automation, you need to ensure you get good training and get certified. The tool you choose to learn depends upon you because there are a handful that are good. If you decide to go with UiPath, you must take the aid of a UiPath tutorial and certification course to become the best.

We hope this blog containing the most often asked RPA interview questions guides you in the right direction. A lot of companies ask questions associated with what they expect you to know as per your experience and scope of work you have done. But if you are a fresher, you can benefit immensely from a good RPA course.

RPA Interview Questions FAQs

Q 1. Can I learn all RPA interview questions from somewhere?

Ans. Once you complete your training and certification from a reputed learning platform, you will not feel the need to learn all RPA interview questions because you will feel confident in your knowledge and skills.

Q. What are the three types of RPA?

Ans. The three types of RPA are attended automation, unattended automation, and hybrid RPA.

Q. Which is the largest RPA?

Ans. Today, UiPath is the largest RPA software vendor.

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