30 Best Golang Interview Questions And Answers

February 29th, 2024
Golang Interview Questions

Google launched its own programming language in 2009- Go. Now commonly referred to as Golang (amalgamation of Go and language), it offers efficient concurrency handling and high performance, while being fun. In short, it brings the best of all the top programming languages to the table. The demand for Go language is on the rise. Since there is no official certification, Golang training online from a dependable learning platform will be beneficial to learn it. Additionally, to get the job of your dreams, you must do wonders in your interview. To help you further, here are 30 best Golang interview questions answers for experienced and freshers.

Let's begin!

Go Language Interview Questions for Freshers

Here are the top Go Language interview questions and answers for freshers. Once you complete a Go certification course, answering these questions will become easy for you.

Que 1. What are the powerful features of Golang?

Ans. Go programming language is full of powerful features, including-

  • Open source
  • General purpose
  • Easy to learn
  • Standard library
  • Built-in concurrency
  • Statistically-types language

Que 2. What are packages in Golang?

Ans. Packages in Go language refer to an accumulation of source files in one directory. Go programs generally get organized into packages. The key thing to note here is that constants, functions, types, and variables get stored in a single source file. All source files that are within the same package are visible to one another.

Que 3. What are the two types of operators you can use in Golang?

Ans. The two types of operators you can use in Golang are - ' * ' and ' & '.

The former is used for declaring a pointer, while the latter is used for getting the address of a variable.

Que 4. What are the operators in Golang?

Ans. The operators in Go are-

  • Bitwise operators
  • Logical operators
  • Arithmetic operator
  • Assignment operators
  • Relational operators
  • Miscellaneous operators

Que 5. What is Golang variable scope?

Ans. Go (language) variable scope is a part of the program that can be defined in a method, loop, class, etc. It allows us to access and modify specified variables. Scope variables are divided into two categories, namely global variables and local variables.

Global variables are declared outside a block or function code. Local variables are generally declared inside a block or function code.

Que 6. Is Go a case-sensitive language?

Ans. Yes, Go is a case-sensitive language.

Que 7. Why Golang is so popular?

Ans. It is so popular because of the various features it possesses, and benefits it offers. Here are a few of them-

  • Efficient garbage collection
  • High speed
  • Mitigates runtime errors
  • Easy to understands and build-on code
  • Highly scalable & performant
  • Supports concurrency

Que 8. How to format a string without printing?

Ans. To format a string without printing, use this command-

return fmt.Sprintf ("at %v, %s" , e.When , e.What )

Que 9. What is static type and dynamic type in Golang?

Ans. Statically typed language or static type is responsible for checking the variable's type initially in the programming life cycle during compilation. Dynamically typed languages or the dynamic type in Go programming are able to update types during runtime.

Que 10. How is a Struct embedded in Go?

Ans. To embed a struct in Go language, we will first declare a field in it, and then assign the value of another struct to it. Once done, this field carrying the struct value is referred to as an embedded struct.

Dot notation can be used with the parent struct to access the field of the embedded struct, facilitating us in reusing the methods and the fields.

Que 11. What are Goroutines?

Ans. Goroutines refer to a function executed concurrently along the program and a lightweight execution thread in Go programming. Since the overhead needed to create a goroutine is extremely low, they prove to be extremely cheap in comparison to the traditional threads.

Quit : = make (chan bool)  go func ( ) {  for  {  select {  case <- quit:  return  default  // do other stuff  }  }  }()  // Do stuff  // Quit goroutine  Quit <- true  

Que 12. What are the 4 types of constants?

Ans. The 4 types of constants in Go language are-

  • Character
  • String
  • Boolean
  • Numeric values

You may also read- Tips & Tricks To Master Go Programming Language

Golang Interview Questions And Answers for Experienced

Here are the top Golang interview questions and answers for experienced professionals. Do not forget to add your personal experiences, as they aid in showcasing your knowledge and skills.

Que 13. What is a data type in Golang?

Ans. Data Type in Go language pertains to the specific type of data that can be held by a valid Go variable. In the Go programming language, the data type is divided into four categories, namely -

  • Basic type
  • Reference type
  • Aggregate type
  • Interface type

Que 14. What are pointers in Go?

Ans. A powerful Go feature, Pointers facilitate in manipulating the memory addresses and directly accessing the data in the memory. Pointers are commonly used for returning values from the functions by reference, creating references to variables, and passing arguments to functions through reference.

Golang Pointers

Que 15. What is a method in Golang?

Ans. In Go language, methods refer to specific functions associated with a certain type. Methods facilitate developers in defining the behavior for the objects of that type. Since the Go programming language is not a complete object oriented language (OOP), it does not support classes. Thus, to replicate the behavior of classes, methods on types are put to work.

Que 16. How is the 'sync' package used for protecting shared data in Go?

Ans. The 'sync' package provides an array of tools that can be employed for protecting shared data from being accessed by various goroutines concurrently. Using a mutex is one of the most widely chosen ways to make it happen.

A mutex refers to a synchronization object, with the ability to be used to protect a resource. The aim is to ensure that a single goroutine can access it at a given time. A new instance of the sync.Mutex struct must be created to use a mutex. Afterwards, the Lock and Unlock methods are employed for protecting the critical code section.

Que 17. What is the GoPATH directory structure?

Ans. In Go programming language, programs are compiled in a directory hierarchy, known as workspace. It has three main components

  • src - source files
  • pkg - compiled package objects
  • bin - executable commands

Que 18. What is the use of the init function in Golang?

Ans. The init () function in Go (language) is employed for initializing the app state prior to executing the main function. It is possible for a package to have more than one init function. All of these get executed prior to the main package's main function.

Que 19. Name a few built-in supports in Go.

Ans. Built-in supports in Go programming language include-

  • Web server - net/http
  • Compression - compress/ gzip
  • Container - container/list, container/heap
  • Database - database/sql
  • Cryptography - Crypto/md5, crypto/sha1

Que 20. What are structures in Golang?

Ans. Structs or structures in Go programming refer to a user-defined type for storing an accumulation of various fields into a single one. In simpler terms, data of varying types can be combined together with structures.

type person struct {       name string       age int       height int}

Que 21. What is a type assertion in Golang?

Ans. Type assertions in Go language give the developer access to a variable of an interface of the exact type. In case the data type already exists in the interface, then the actual data type value will be retrieved by it, that the interface holds. A type assertion removes vagueness from the interface variables.

Que 22. What are the uses of an empty struct in Golang?

Ans. An empty struct in Golang takes the role of a placeholder for defining a type that may be used as a return type of a function or in generic programming. Additionally, using an empty struct leads to improved code readability and aids in avoiding memory wastage.

Que 23. What is the difference between GOPATH and GOROOT?

Ans. GOPATH facilitates in specifying the root directory of the Go workspace. GOROOT, on the other hand, pins the location of the Go installation directory. It does not need to be changed if you do not wish to use other Go versions. Both of these are environment variables.

Que 24. Are Go maps Concurrent safe?

Ans. Go maps are Concurrent safe for 'read only'. Since they do not have a locking mechanism, explicit locking mechanisms such as Mutex, must be used to safely send data via Goroutines.

Technical Go Programming Language Interview Questions

If you want to become more technical sounds during interview rounds then follow these go programming language and interview questions and answers.

Que 25. What is the syntax for the 'for' loop?

Ans. The syntax for the 'for' loop is -

for [condition |  ( init; condition; increment ) | Range]  {     statement(s);  }  

Que 26. Tell us the syntax used to create and use a function literal in Golang.

Ans. The 'func' keyword is used to create the function literal in Go language. Formal parameters within the parentheses follow this, along with the function body encircles within curly braces.

This is how the syntax looks like -

Golang Interview Questions

Que 27. Tell the syntax to create and use a type assertion in Golang.

Ans. The syntax to create and use a type assertion in Golang includes inserting the keyword .(type) post the value that you intend to assert the type of.

This is an example to help you -

Golang Interview Questions And Answers

Que 28. Why do some prefer using an empty struct {}?

Ans. Some people prefer to use an empty struct {} as it helps in saving some memory, since they do not have any memory for its value.

a := struct{}{}println(unsafe.Sizeof(a))// Output: 0

Que 29. If you wish to have a hash displayed in a fixed order, what would you do?

Ans. To have a hash displayed in a fixed order, we would need to sort its keys.

fruits := map[string]int{ "oranges": 100, "apples":  200, "bananas": 300,}
// Put the keys in a slice and sort it.var keys []stringfor key := range fruits { keys = append(keys, key)}sort.Strings(keys)
// Display keys according to the sorted slice.for _, key := range keys { fmt.Printf("%s:%v\n", key, fruits[key])}// Output:// apples:200// bananas:300// oranges:100

Que 30. Is it possible to write multiple strings in Golang? How?

And. Yes, it's possible to write multiple strings in Golang. It can be done by using a raw string literal, wherein it is delimited by back quotes.

For instance, 

'line  1  line  2  line  3 '  


Becoming a pro in Go language requires you to enroll in a leading course being offered by a trusted learning platform or you can go through this Golang tutorial to learn more about the Go programming language. If you wish to ace your Golang interview and get the job that helps you excel, then you must prepare well with these Golang interview questions and answers. We hope these top Golang interview questions answers help you ace your interview round.

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