Artificial Intelligence Vs Cyber Security

Artificial Intelligence vs Cyber Security: Which Career Is Better?

Vidhi Gupta
February 5th, 2024
10:00 Minutes

More companies are using artificial intelligence (AI) today than ever. In fact, between 2017 and 2022, its usage has practically doubled. This alone is sufficient to let us know about the imperativeness of adopting this technology, and moreover, understanding it.

The need to understand AI arises from the fact that not everyone intends to use a technology with the right intentions. Hence, the rise of cyberthreats and the need for cyber security. As important as it is to use artificial intelligence to grow, it is equally important to implement cyber security in the right way.

Since both are growing fields, it comes as a dilemma as to which one to choose as a career. In this blog, we are going to give you artificial intelligence vs cyber security, covering which career is better. So, without any further ado, let's begin!

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence

Since we have already mentioned how rapidly artificial intelligence has grown the last five years, there hardly is any need left to further add to that point. Having said that, its growth is not going to stop anytime soon either. In fact, if anything, it is transforming even as you read this blog.

Machine learning has stemmed out to be a key part of artificial intelligence. It basically entails standalone learning and improving of the AI systems, without being explicitly programmed for every little thing. Hence, more human-like outcomes and abilities to perform tasks.

This technology has led to a huge impact on the healthcare industry. There is hardly any area of this sector that is left untouched by the excellence that is AI.

However, every coin has two sides and so does this one. The rise of artificial intelligence has also raised some significant ethical questions. As bots become more human-like, they have become a greater threat to human jobs. Hence, more humans are under the attack of potentially losing their jobs, causing economic and social disruption.

AI was developed with the purpose of helping humans, some humans are using it to fraud other humans. Hence, along with privacy concerns, AI has increased the chances of cyberthreats and cyber frauds, raising the need for serious privacy considerations. This is where we move to the next phase.

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The Imperative Role of Cyber Security

"Cyber security is no longer a choice".

Every organization is hands and legs deep in artificial intelligence, raising the need to have cybersecurity implemented too. Since businesses mostly rely on digital platforms for conducting business, they also find themselves amid a sea of threats and risks.

Every business holds a lot of sensitive data, related to both their clients and themselves. Having this information out on the internet can lead to increased threats. Thus, the need to have proper cyber security measures in place is essential.

It is imperative for every organization to have a multi-faceted security approach in place, to help them best handle any threats that come their way. Integrating artificial intelligence technologies, and optimally using machine learning algorithms are a couple of tactics that never fail to come handy. These are key aspects in improving scalability, operational efficiency, and threat detection.

As per Cybercrime Magazine, by 2025, the cost endured due to cybercrime would rise to $10.5 trillion annually.

Artificial Intelligence vs Cyber Security 

To completely understand the war of artificial intelligence vs cyber security, we have come up with four bases. These four aspects of comparison are enough to give you a better idea about which one these two would be a better fit for you.

There is no universal answer to which one provides better job opportunities. It is highly subjective and needs to be chosen on the basis of what you wish for your career.

Whether you should learn artificial intelligence or learn cyber security depends on where you wish you see yourself ten years down the line. Let's understand the difference between the two.

1. Education 

The first thing to look into when discussing artificial intelligence vs cyber security is educational background.

A career in AI requires the individual to have a strong foundation in mathematics, computer science, as well as proficiency in top programming languages like Python. Additionally, having an advanced degree is known to further help in fulfilling role requirements like cutting-edge research and complex algorithm development.

To have a career in cyber security, you need deep knowledge of operating systems, security protocols, and networking. Earning a cyber security certification will help you showcase your skills too.

Do you need to enroll in cyber security courses online?

Enrolling in cyber security course online is known to have a positive impact on the learning graph. Since the field of cyber security is huge and there are many certifications, it is always a good idea to go for a trusted learning program. Cyber security training is a wise choice.

2. Skill Set

Skills needed to become an AI professional include-

  • Programming skills
  • Spark & Big Data technologies
  • Probability, linear algebra & statistics
  • Algorithms & frameworks
  • Business intelligence
  • Communication skills
  • Domain expertise
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Critical thinking ability, etc.

Skills needed to become a cyber security professional include-

  • Fundamental technical skills
  • Risk identification & management
  • Logical reasoning & troubleshooting
  • Programming
  • Data management & analysis
  • Adaptability
  • Cloud implementation & management
  • Communication skills, etc.

Here are tabs consisting of the top job trends related to artificial intelligence vs cyber security, along with the average salaries in USD.

Artificial Intelligence Associated Job Roles And Salaries

Machine Learning Engineer$ 158,676
Data Scientist$ 117,623
Robotics Engineer$94,836
AI Research Engineer$ 123,279
Natural Language Processing Engineer$ 111.000
Software Engineer$ 88,896
Business Intelligence Developer$ 92,282

Cyber Security Associated Job Roles And Salaries

Information Security Analyst$ 87,647
Chief Information Officer$108,126
Cloud Consultant$110,039
Risk Manager$ 93,217
Identity Manager$ 121,515
Senior Security Consultant$ 108,427
Penetration Tester$ 123,476

NOTE: Please note that the salaries are not fixed and subject to change depending on various factors, including your organization, experience, location, etc.


In this quest to unsolved the mystery of artificial intelligence vs cyber security, we have given you various pointers to work with. Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence technology that is becoming popular among tech enthusiasts. Once you individually understand both artificial intelligence and cyber security, you would be easily able to decide which of the two is better fit for you.

Take the first step by reading this blog and finding out more details about the training courses and prerequisites for both.

Artificial Intelligence vs Cyber Security FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. Which is better cyber security or AI?

In terms of learning curve, it is much easier to step into the field of cyber security than AI. This is because cyber security has various diverging paths, has softer learning prerequisites, and requires less effort.

Q2. Will AI replace cyber security jobs?

The short answer to this is no. AI will not replace cyber security jobs as humans are best fit for this profile.

Q3. Which pays more cybersecurity or IT?

On an average, software engineering jobs pay a little more than a cyber security job in the USA. However, multiple factors play an influential role.

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