Blockchain Developer Training Certification Course Online

SKU: 9002
15 Lesson
40 Hours
igmGuru’s Blockchain Developer training course will take you through a journey of understanding the concepts of the Blockchain technology and its various platforms such as Bitcoin, MultiChain, Hyperledger, and Ethereum. In this Blockchain Developer online program, you will learn about Ethereum and about developing custom smart contracts via Remix IDE and Solidity, and using Truffle, Web3.js, and TestRPC to deploy them. Earn the Blockchain Developer certification today.

BlockChain Developer Course Overview

igmGuru's Blockchain Developer training course is curated as per the updated content of the Blockchain Certification exam. Blockchain technology is most simply defined as a decentralized and distributed ledger that records the provenance of a digital asset. Blockchain is sometimes referred to as Distributed Ledger Technology. This Blockchain developer course by igmGuru cover three important concepts of blockchain namely blocks, nodes, and miners in detail.

Our online blockchain developer course focuses on how nonce is randomly generated when a block is created, which then generates a block header hash. Usually, miners create new blocks on the chain through a process called mining. Nodes can be any kind of electronic device that maintains copies of the blockchain and keeps the network functioning. Blockchain has a nearly endless amount of applications across almost every industry.

After taking the online blockchain training course, the learner would be able to understand how to have greater transparency between stakeholders, enhanced security by preventing frauds, improved traceability in the supply chain, and reduction in costs. This online blockchain training course would also focus on how ledger technology can be applied to track fraud in finance, securely share patient medical records between healthcare professionals, and even acts as a better way to track intellectual property in business like music rights for artists and necessary use cases.

This online blockchain developer course by igmGuru focuses on developer-level insights into Blockchain technology and its platforms. The online blockchain developer training will provide an overview of the structure and mechanism of Blockchain.

Key Deliverables Of Blockchain Developer Training Online

  • Learners will be able to understand how Bitcoin transactions are stored and mined on a Blockchain.
  • This blockchain developer certification training will introduce learners to different types of blockchain platforms like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, and MultiChain.
  • It will help learners to develop private blockchain and deploy smart contracts on Ethereum.
  • Learners will gain necessary knowledge and skills for developing and testing a business network on Hyperledger Composer and how-to set up a private Blockchain on the MultiChain platform. Detailed analysis of use-cases will ascertain how Blockchain technology is shaping the future of the world.

Objectives Of Blockchain Developer Course Online

  • The blockchain certification training online focuses on introductory concepts like blockchain network, its mechanism, history of blockchain, blocks and transactions in the blockchain, peer-to-peer systems, dynamic shared ledger, digital signatures, building blockchain solutions, using hashes as addresses, bitcoin keys storage, bitcoins trade and transactions, and also about blockchain layers like data layer, consensus layer, and network layer.
  • Blockchain certification training covers topics like identifying bitcoin wallets, Jaxx wallet, defining the selling of Bitcoins, comparing between Bitcoin and Blockchain, transaction and transaction scripts, defining scripts in Bitcoin, and describing various transaction forms in Bitcoin, and also listing the nodes in Bitcoin network.
  • It focuses on Bitcoin mining. It will help learners understand what mining is, providing more understanding about identification of the successful mining, types of mining pools, and touch upon solo mining.
  • The modules help the learner in understanding Ethereum, defining Smart Contracts, Ethereum cryptocurrencies’ identification, Ethereum transactions, Ethereum network interfacing, the first smart contract, structuring a contract, declaring a function, deploying and redeploying a contract and comparing between Wei and Ether.
  • Our course also covers the creation of smart contracts on Ethereum, Remix browser, Blockchain installation, Go language installation, explaining Blockchain creation and Blockchain making rules, performing Blockchain mining, Blockchain environment contract deployment, boilerplate requirements, project file walkthrough, syntax highlighters, compiling Solidity and script, the testing architecture, installing modules, running Windows, Web3 Versioning, Web3 Providers, deployment with Web3, Web3 Version Fix.
  • Understanding Hyperledger Blockchain and Hyperledger consensus algorithm, identifying different Hyperledger components, learning about Channels, Policies, listing various Hyperledger Explorer components, defining Hyperledger Composer, distributed ledger technology and its challenges, Hyperledger Fabric Developer Environment tools, their usage, and their setup on Windows, Mac OS, Linux/Ubuntu, AWS, and Cloud virtual machines, Development Environment topology, Fabric Under Hood - concepts and terminologies, ledger implementation.

We have very well-qualified instructors who would be conducting the sessions of online blockchain training. They have 10+ years of prior experience working in this field and know the industry best practices.

Who should go for this Blockchain Developer training online?

While we encourage anyone to take up this skill set, however blockchain developer certification training is ideal for anyone with a technical background including

  • Software Developers
  • Project Managers
  • Solution Architects
  • Support Professionals
  • Product Managers

Prerequisites for Blockchain developer course online?

Development experience with an Object-oriented language would be helpful when taking up blockchain developer certification training. Also, basic knowledge of networking and Linux, experience with JavaScript or Git will be beneficial.

Key Features

Blockchain Developer Training Modules

1. Introduction
2. A Short History Lesson
3. Link to Original Bitcoin White Paper
4. Interfacing with Ethereum Networks
5. Metamask Setup
6. Ethereum Accounts
7. Receiving Ether
8. What's a Transaction?
9. Basic Blockchains
10. Block Time, Smart Contracts
11. The Solidity Programming Language
12. Our First Contract, Contract Structure, Function Declarations, Testing with Remix
13. Redeploying Contracts, Behind the Scenes of Deployment
14. More on Running Functions Than You Want to Know
15. Wei vs Ether, Gas and Transactions, Mnemonic Phrases, Getting More Ether
16. Smart Contracts with Solidity
17. Solidity - Language of Smart Contracts
1. Basics of Solidity by Example: Subcoin Smart Contract
2. Layout of a Solidity Source File & Structure of Smart Contracts
3. General Value Types (Int, Real, String, Bytes, Arrays, Mapping, Enum, address)
4. Ether Units, Time Units
5. Globally Available Variables & Functions
6. Operators: Arithmetic, Logical & Bitwise Operators
7. Control Structure (if-else, for, while, Do-While)
8. Scoping and Declarations
9. Input Parameters and Output Parameters
10. Function Calls & Return Types
11. Fallback Function, Abstract Contract
12. Creating Contracts via "new" Operator
13. Inheriting Smart Contracts
14. Importing Smart Contracts & Compiling Contracts
15. Events & Logging, Exceptions
16. Don't Skip! Node JS Versioning. Contract Deployment
17. Boilerplate Requirements, Project File Walkthrough Syntax Highlighters
18. Compiling Solidity, The Compile Script, Testing Architecture
19. Running Windows?, Installing Modules, Web3 Versioning
20. Web3 Providers, Testing with Mocha, Mocha Structure
21. Fetching Accounts from Ganache, Refractor to Async/Await, Deployment with Web3
22. Deployed Inbox Overview, Asserting Deployment, Web3 Version Fix
23. Verifying the Initial Message, Testing Message Updates, Deployment with Infura
24. Infura Signup, Wallet Provider Setup, Deployment to Rinkeby
25. Observing Deployment on Etherscan, Deployed Contracts in Remix
26. Complete Example: Crowd Funding Smart Contract, Complete Example: Voting Ballot Smart Contract
27. Advanced Smart Contracts, The Lottery Contract, Lottery Design, Basic Solidity Types
28. Starting the Lottery Contract, The Message Global Variable, Overview of Arrays
29. Overview of Mappings and Structs, Big Solidity Gotcha, Entering the Lottery, Validation with Require Statements
30. The Remix Debugger, Psuedo Random Number Generator, Selecting a Winner, Sending Ether from Contracts
31. Resetting Contract State, Requiring Managers, Function Modifiers, Returning Players Array
32. Contract Review, New Test Setup, Test Project Updates, Test Helper Review, Asserting Deployment, Entering the Lottery
33. Asserting Multiple Players, Try-Catch Assertions, Testing Function Modifiers, End to End Test
1. Ethereum App Architecture
2. Application Overview
3. Getting Started with Create-React-App
4. Multiple Web3 Instances
5. Web3 Setup
6. Deploying the Lottery Contract
7. Local Contract Instances
8. Rendering Contract Data
9. Instance Properties
10. Accessing More Properties
11. The 'Enter' Form
12. Form Setup
13. Entering the Lottery
14. Picking a Winner
15. Project Review
1. Solving Real Problems with Contracts
2. Fixing Kickstarter's Issues
3. Campaign Contract Design
4. Campaign Constructor
5. Contributing to the Campaign
6. A Quick Test
7. The Request Struct
8. More on Function Modifiers
9. Creating Struct Instances
10. Instance Creation Syntax
11. Storage and Memory
12. More on Storage vs Memory
13. Voting System Requirements
14. The Wrong Voting System
15. Issues with Arrays, Mappings vs Arrays
16. Basics of Mappings, Refactoring to Mappings
17. Refactoring Request Stucts, More on Struct Initialization
18. Approving a Request, Testing Request Approvals
19. Finalizing a Request, Last Remix Test
20. Thinking about Deployment, Solution to Deployment
21. Adding a Campaign Factory, Testing the Factory
1. Project Setup
2. Directory Structure
3. A Better Compile Script
4. Single Run Compilation
5. More on Compile
6. Test File Setup
7. Creating Campaign Instances
8. Testing Warmup
9. Accessing Mappings
10. Requiring Minimum Contributinos
11. Array Getters
12. One End to End Test
13. Deployment, Refactoring Deployment
1. App Mockups, CRA vs Next, Next's Pages Architecture, Basics of Next Routing
2. Root Routes, Campaign Factory Instance, Getting a Test Campaign, Fetching Deployed Campaigns
3. Why Next.js?
4. Server vs Client Web3 Instances, GetInitialProps Function, Semantic UI React, Card Group Setup
5. Rendering Card Groups, Adding CSS, Adding a Button
6. The Need for a Layout, The Layout Component, Assembling a Header
7. Constraining Content Width, Two Column Layout, Nested Routing, Final CSS Fix
8. Form Creation, Input Change Handlers, Form Submittal, Testing Submittal, Form Error Handling
9. Button Spinners, Routing Issues, Next Routes Setup, Automatic Navigation
10. Header Navigation, Routing to Campaigns, Restarting the Server, Route Mappings
11. Planning Campaign Show, Redeploying Campaign Factory, Campaign Show’s GetInitialProps
12. Accessing a Campaign, Summary Translation Layer, Custom Card Groups, One Card Per Property
13. The Contribute Form, Grid Layouts, Form State, Communicating the Campaign Address
14. Making a Contribution, Refreshing Contract Data, Spinners and Error Handlers
15. Listing Requests, Grids vs Columns, More Routing!
16. Request Creation Form, Creating a Request, Form Polish, Creating a Request
17. Requests One, by One Fancy JavaScript, Small Typo!, Rendering a Table
18. Request Row Component, Request Row Content, Approvers Count Cell, Approving a Request, Finalizing Requests
19. Testing Finalization, Row Status Styling, Finishing Requests Index
1. Introduction
2. What is Hyperledger?
3. Distributed Ledger Technology & its Challenges
1. Hyperledger & Distributed Ledger Technology
2. Hyperledger Fabric: A DLT for Business Applications
3. Hyperledger Fabric: DLT for Business
4. Assets, Chaincode & Ledger
5. Assets, Chaincode and Transactions
6. Permissioned Network, Members & Membership Service Provider
7. Permissioned Network, Member & Membership Services
8. Nodes and Channels
9. Hyperledger Fabric Composer Overview
1. Development Machine Specifications & IDE
2. Composer Dev Tools Installation
3. Exercise: Validate the Composer Development Environment
4. Linux/Ubuntu & AWS: Setup of Fabric Development on Local & Cloud VM
1. Ledger Implementation
2. Dev Environment Walkthrough: Peer & CouchDB setup
3. Ledger Implementation
4. Peers Nodes : Anchors and Endorsers
5. Anchor Peers & Endorsing Peers
6. Clients Node: Endorsement Policies
7. Client Peer & Endorsing Policies
8. Orderer Nodes
9. Membership Service Provider & Certification Authority
10. Dev Environment Walkthrough: Orderer and CA Server
11. Chaincode Development
1. Fabric Composer Playground
2. Composer Playground
3. Yeoman Hyperledger Generators
4. Yo Generators
5. Participant Roles and Business Network Cards
6. Participant Roles and Business Network Cards
7. Composer CLI Tool - Deploying a Network Application
8. Composer CLI Tool - Network Application Management
9. Exercise: Create & Deploy Network Application
10. REST Server Overview
11. REST Server Security
12. Skeleton Angular Application using Yo
13. Composer SDKOverview
1. Case Study: ACME Airlines
2. Modeling Language Files | Namespace
3. Defining the Resources
4. Support for Object Orientation
5. Modeling Arrays
6. Registries & Relationship between Resources
7. Arrays, Registries & Relationships
8. Adding the field Validations
9. Field validations
10. Resource Registries & Identities +Exercise
11. Modeling the Transactions
12. Exercise: Fix the code for generating the FlightId
13. Exercise: Add a set of aircraft queries
14. Managing identities for Network Applications
15. Access Control Language (Part 1 of 2) Simple Rules
16. Exercise: Simple Rule for ACME Network Admin
17. Access Control Language (Part 2 of 2) Conditional Rules
18. Exercise: Conditional Rule for ACME Personnel
1. Business Network Card Management
2. Card Storage API
3. Admin Connection Class
4. Business Network Connection Class
5. Submitting a Transaction
6. Registries
7. Resources
8. Querying the Registries
9. Subscribing to Events
10. Write a utility to create | delete test data for ACME Airline Model
1. Embedded Runtime for Testing
2. Crash course in Mocha and Chai
3. Writing Unit Test Cases for Network Applications
4. Runtime API for Transaction Processing Functions
5. Exercise: Define the Aircraft Assignment Transaction
6. Query invocation in Transaction Processing Functions
7. Implementing Programmatic Access Control
8. Emitting events and Integrating with external systems
1. Application Design Patterns
2. Application Architecture Patterns
3. Securing the REST server with Authentication Strategy
4. Walkthrough: Applying OAuth2.0 Authentication Strategy to REST Server
5. Working of Multi User Enabled REST Server
6. Walkthrough - REST Server Multi User mode
7. Create the Design Blueprint for the Fabric Application UI

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Course Fees

Online Class Room Program

US $ 799.00
100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Duration : 40 Hrs
  • Plus Self Paced

Classes Starting From

  • Fast Track Batch 09 Sep 2024
  • Weekday Batch 09 Sep 2024
  • Weekend Batch 14 Sep 2024

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Blockchain Developer Certification Exam

Want to be a Certified Blockchain Developer Master in 2024?
Many companies have realized that the blockchain is the future technology that needs to be adapted for a more secure way of transaction dealing with users and others. The salary for a blockchain developer can be somewhere around $68k annually and can reach up to $150k for expert developers. Here are some of the top Blockchain certifications in the market today:
  • Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional by 101 Blockchains
  • Blockchain A-Z: Learn How To Build Your First Blockchain
  • Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum (CBDE)
  • Certified Blockchain Developer by Blockchain Council
  • Blockchain Developer Certification Exam

    Blockchain Training Online FAQ

    The training will be conducted online through live meetings and will have a minimum total duration of 30 hours

    Anyone with some technical background or basic understanding of programming knowledge and good logical reasoning ability can take up the training.

    Yes, this is a certification-based training, and certification is provided online after one has successfully cleared the related assignments and test with the minimum required cut-off.

    Additional benefits in the course include • Small batches up to 10 candidates • Lifetime support and access • 1 on 1 training option available • Flexible schedule

    If you are looking for Blockchain Developer Training, then igmGuru is the best place to begin as you will be learning from industry experts with 10+ years of experience in the field. To get a better idea about the cost of a blockchain course by igmGuru, you can click on this link -

    Additionally, we keep running new offers and getting in touch with us will unlock those for you.

    To become a certified blockchain developer, you need to follow a few steps. First, gain a strong understanding of blockchain technology and its core concepts. Next, learn programming languages commonly used in blockchain development, such as Solidity or C++. Then, explore various blockchain platforms and frameworks like Ethereum or Hyperledger. Practice building blockchain applications and smart contracts to enhance your skills. Consider obtaining certifications from reputable organizations like the Blockchain Training Alliance or the Blockchain Council. Stay updated with the latest trends in the blockchain industry to remain competitive. These steps will pave the way for becoming a certified blockchain developer.

    To become a blockchain developer, these are some things you must do -

    - Get a deep understanding of blockchain technology.

    - Learn all key skills like programming, cryptography, data structures, programming languages, smart contracts, and blockchain architectures.

    - Understand the blockchain industry.

    There is no fixed answer to whether you can become blockchain developer in 1 year or not. The time it will take for you to get there depends on how much time you spend on learning, and your dedication. However, it generally takes more than 6 months to become a blockchain developer.

    igmGuru’s Blockchain Developer online training course is best for blockchain. Our online learning program will help you helm a successful career in the field of blockchain, as you explore the chance to learn from professionals.

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