Our Microsoft Azure architect certification course covers many important concepts required to clear Microsoft Solutions Architect Expert Exam AZ 305. With our Azure solution architect certification program, you will be taught basic and advanced concepts of Azure such as creating and testing virtual machines, deploying a Linux VM, working with ARM templates, etc. So enroll in our Microsoft Azure architect certification training program today and accelerate your career growth.
igmGuru’s AZ-305 Azure Solutions Architect Training course has been designed with an advanced learning concept based on the Azure platform. Trainees shall gain immense knowledge about data access methodologies, Azure resources management, virtual machines, network configuration and deployment, designing web apps, Architecting Microsoft azure solutions, integrating SAAS services on Azure, real-on-hand projects for azure infrastructure, and much more. To make you a popular Microsoft certified architect we provide extra facilities and attention to each student connected with us. We not only train you to clear your Azure Solutions Architect certification exam but also help you gain hands-on skills.
AZ-305 Azure Solutions Architect Training Course Benefits
Who should take the AZ-305 Azure Solutions Architect Training?
Candidates who are cloud solution architects and programmers
Perquisite for AZ-305 Azure Solutions Architect Training online?
To take up the Azure Solutions Architect training:
Why should you undergo AZ-305 Azure Architect Training?
Microsoft Azure has become a vast sea to explore cloud computing, and it is still growing at a fast pace. The cloud solutions in the form of designs and architectures create demand at higher levels and the claim for a solution provider as well. Undergoing igmGuru’s Azure Solutions Architect training shall not only supervise you to crack your azure architect training exam but also assist you in getting hired by a leading company.
Our effective style of training the candidates makes this possible. You will be a Microsoft certified architect with excellent salary.
After successful completion of the Azure Solutions Architect Training in 2024, the candidates are eligible to appear for Azure Solutions Architect Certification exam AZ-305. Once you gain enough expertise in designing hybrid and cloud solutions that run on Azure, you will be able to earn this certification. Having the Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate certification is a must to earn the Azure Solutions Architect Certification.
After clearing the exams with required 70%, the results are announced as immediately as possible. However, for the certificates, the professionals must wait until sent via email. The certifications are provided by Microsoft itself which eventually gives them a status and recognition in the international market seeking skilled candidates.
To learn Azure Solution Architect, you will need somewhere around 4 weeks. Additionally, mastering it will take constant working and practice.
AZ-104 or Microsoft Azure Administrator certification is an entry-level certification, while AZ-305 or Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions certifications is in the intermediate section. However, AZ-104 is not a prerequisite for AZ-305.
Earning the Azure Solution Architect certification is a challenging feat in the space of cloud certifications. However, this difficulty level is what makes earning this credential so worthwhile.