The PMP certification exam will become easily passable with igmGuru's Online PMP Training. PMP course is the worldwide best quality level for task administration experts. A renowned course, with its promising after effect in the job seeking and management, the course is a prominent one for anyone who wishes to enjoy a bright future in project management. With igmGuru’s well-trained staff and the material, we assure for the deep insight over the right kind of information related to the course. PMP accreditation is the worldwide best quality level for undertaking the executive's experts. The course teaches one the full scope of project management processes and helps to pass the PMP certification exam in the first attempt.
PMP online training objective?
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Who should opt for PMP Certification Course Online?
The PMP Certification Training is most appropriate for:
Six industry-based tasks covering:
The Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is a globally respected PM certification that tests an individual's ability to manage the people, processes, and business priorities of a professional project.
Prerequisites to get certified:
- 35 hours of project management course training + at least 36 months of project management experience (for those who have a four-year degree)
- 35 hours of project management course training + 60 months of experience (for those who have an associate degree or secondary school degree)
The PMP Certification is valid for 3 years
Number of Questions: 180
Time: 230 minutes (3 hours 50 minutes)
Two 10-minute breaks
Format: A combination of multiple-choice, multiple responses, matching, hotspot and limited fill-in-the-blank questions.
The best training for PMP is provided by igmGuru as it covers all core and key topics that are essential for a project management professional. Prepare to ace the PMP certification exam upon completing our training program.
While 2 months is enough to complete a good PMP course, you will need to work longer on completely acing the course. To pass the exam, you will need a lot of practice and preparation.
PMP certification cost is $555 USD, which includes both certification exam and membership fee.