Certified Artificial Intelligence Engineer

How To Be A Certified Artificial Intelligence Engineer in 2024?

Vidhi Gupta
April 5th, 2019
3:00 Minutes

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently the buzzing word in the town. When looking at the science fiction of the past we can now see them become the reality of the present and the future. All thanks to the current revolution in technologies, that day is not far enough when every unachievable past would be achievable. Specialists look at AI as a part of production to transform the way work is done across industries.

A report titled 'How AI Boosts Industry Profits and Innovations' is making major claims. It predicts that by 2035, AI will boost economic growth with an average of around 1.7% spanning across 16 industries. It also states that AI has the potential to improve labor productivity by 40 percent or more. Consequently, enhancing economic growth over 12 developed nations.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is a process of creating a computer, a computer-controlled robot or software thinking intelligently like the human mind. The patterns of the human brain are studied by examining its cognitive process. The outcome of these studies produces intelligent software and systems.

Researchers have outlined the goals of AI to be the following:

  • Logical Reasoning: AI programs facilitate computers in performing highly sophisticated tasks. A computer named Deep Blue was designed by IBM in February 1996. It won a game of chess against a former world champion, Garry Kasparov.
  • Planning and Navigation: It refers to the process of facilitating a computer to get from point A to point B. A prime example of this is Google's self-driving Toyota Prius.
  • Natural Language Processing: It is used to set up computers that understand and process natural language used by humans.
  • Knowledge Representation: Smalltalk refers to a dynamically typed, object-oriented and reflective programming language. It was created as the language to emphasize the 'new world' of computing exemplified by human-computer symbiosis.
  • Emergent Intelligence: It is intelligence that is not explicitly programmed, but appears from the rest of the specific AI features. The vision towards this goal is to have machines exhibit sensitive intelligence, moral reasoning and more.
  • Perception: Using computers to communicate with the world through vision, sound, touch, and scent.

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Applications Of Artificial Intelligence

Computers and machines influence the way we live and work. Top companies are constantly bringing in ground-breaking changes to how we network with machine-learning technology.

  • DeepMind Technologies, a British artificial intelligence company, was bought by Google in 2014. They fashioned a Neural Turing Machine, allowing computers to act like the short-term memory that a human brain possesses.
  • Google's Driverless cars and Tesla's Autopilot features introduce AI into the automotive sector. Elon Musk has stated that Tesla will have the ability to predict the destination that their owners wish to go via learning their pattern of behavior via AI.
  • Watson, a question-answering computer system developed by IBM is designed for the field of medicine. Watson recommends various kinds of treatment for patients as per their medical history. It has proven to be highly efficient and effective in the field.
  • A huge amount of people make more common applications of AI. This includes virtual personal assistants in our smartphones like Siri, Cortana, and Google Assistant. These applications collect information, understand and interpret the question. Once done, they supply the answer via fetched data and each answer gradually develops based on user preferences.

You May Also ReadHow To Become An AI Engineer in 2024?

Why Become a Certified Artificial Intelligence Engineer?

There are many reasons why one should become a certified artificial intelligence engineer. Those looking to join this field full of potential should primarily look at the top reasons.

  • Higher Chances of Acing the Interview: If you are looking to enter the AI industry, a good training will help you reach and ace the interview stage. A good training will help you acquire skills that many people in the market do not have. Thus, certification will help convince approaching employers that you have the right skills and knowledge for a job. This will make you the ideal candidate.
  • Demand for Certified Artificial Intelligence Engineers is Growing: Multiple organizations are using AI to make judgments throughout the globe. It is helping organizations offer customized solutions and guidance to employees in real-time. Therefore, a quick increase in demand for experts with skills in emerging technologies like AI will only nurture.
  • New and Unconventional Career Paths: Artificial Intelligence is generating millions of jobs every year. Many companies use AI technology, which is leading to the fabrication of new job opportunities. Because of AI, new skill sets are needed in the workforce, leading to new job opportunities.


In the coming years, jobs will shift from boring, humdrum ones to more creative and imaginative ones. As people get new training in critical thinking, technologies like AI will become more prevalent. People will need to work next to machines, which have no creative abilities of their own, so using such reasoning will become exciting.

Since it is highly probable that artificial intelligence will gain even more popularity, such professionals are highly sought-after. There are plenty of why's to become an AI professional. This blog only covers a few but certainly good driving reasons.

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