igmGuru's Salesforce Combo training is designed according to Salesforce ADM201, DEV401, & DEV501 certification exam. igmGuru's Salesforce certification master program will let you gain complete proficiency in the said field. With so many proficient trainers at our end, our goal is to help you advance in your career growth. Our expert trainers will guide you not only to have the right standing at your work place, but are ready to make you proficient with skills and knowledge.
This course is a great way to take leading strides in the field. igmGuru's Combo Training Course will equip you with all the skills required to pursue a self-made career with the CRM domain. You'll be trained to ace the App Builder and Developer Certification exam. The course is apt for Salesforce Admin 201 certification, Salesforce Dev 401, and Salesforce Dev 501. Our training program also includes advanced elements.
A few topics you will learn are:
What skills will you learn?
After completing this course, you will have the knowledge of:
Who Should Opt for this course?
This course is beneficial for:
Prerequisites for the Salesforce Dev 401 online training course?
There are no prerequisites to join this course. Anyone looking for a future in Salesforce can opt for this training.
How to prepare for Salesforce ADM201, DEV401, and DEV501 in 2024?
igmGuru's Salesforce Combo training is the only thing you need! Salesforce Dev 401 Advanced Developer Certification - The Salesforce Platform Developer I certificate is intended for individuals who have knowledge, skills, and experience in building custom applications on the Lightning Platform.
Administrator ADM 201 Exam Certification -
The Salesforce Administrator certification is curated for individuals who have experience with Salesforce and continuously look for ways to assist their companies in getting even more from additional features and capabilities.
Salesforce Dev 501 Developer Certification -
The Salesforce Platform Developer II program is crafted for those who would like to demonstrate their skills and abilities in advanced programmatic capabilities of the Lightning Platform and data modeling to develop complex business logic and interfaces.
The passing score for the ADM 201 exam is 65%. Since there are a total of 60 questions, you will have to answer at least 39 correctly. The time duration for the ADM 201 exam is 105 minutes.
The 501 certification in Salesforce, is crafted for developers and administrators, who wish to understand and learn the basics of Salesforce development. This certification provides various topics, like working with Apex code, using functions and fields, using Visualforce, and creating custom objects.