How To Learn Python

How To Learn Python From Scratch

Vidhi Gupta
April 25th, 2024
5:00 Minutes

Here's a deep dive on how to learn Python from scratch, an ultimate guide for beginners! Python is the reigning name on the list of the world's top programming languages. From its years-ago use in web development to more contemporary uses in ML, data science and automation, Python has come a long way.

Its versatility as a language has rendered it a favorite amongst many professionals and industries. As its applications expand and diversify, more aspirants wish to know how to learn Python from scratch. This blog is just the guide needed to help enthusiasts steer through the aspects of this field, its features and imperative learning stages.

An Introduction to Python

Python is an interpreted, high-level programming language that was first released in 1991. With an emphasis on code readability, it enabled programmers to use fewer lines of code for the same concept. This key feature triggered a wave of universal usage and ultimately, global popularity. It supports various programming paradigms, including but not limited to object-oriented, functional and procedural programming.

This flexibility has rendered it useful for writing code in different ways, from simpler applications to complex ones.

Python & its Growing Popularity

TIOBE index stated that as of Jan 2024, Python remains the leading name on the list of the most popular programming languages. It has surpassed hundreds of languages to be on the top!

Python and its Growing Popularity

(Python's popularity as per the TIOBE index )

But what makes it such a popular language? The next section explores the key features of Python that contribute tremendously in making it the ultimate language to learn.

Key Features of Python

Here are a few features that give this language such an edge over its competitors.

1. Easy to Code & Read

In spite of being a high-level language, it is pretty easy to learn, code and read. Within a few days of working on it, anyone can understand the basics. Of course, becoming a professional with complete command will take some time. Since its syntax is like simple English, even beginners do not find it very difficult to get started.

2. Robust Standard Library

Its extensive robust library is open to all to use. This gives programmers the aid of not having to write a code for every little thing, as is needed in other languages. These libraries support many functionalities like databases, expressions, image manipulation, unit testing, etc.

3. Portable

A code written in Python can be easily used on different machines. Thus, a code written on Linux can later be run on Windows or Mac without any issues. This saves a lot of time.

4. Dynamically Typed

It is dynamically typed, which basically means that the data type of the variable does not have to be declared upon creation. Python interpreter automatically infers the types, rendering the code easier to work with and highly flexible.

5. Expressive

Only a few lines of code is enough to perform complex tasks in Python. This makes it a highly expressive language.

You may also explore our Python tutorial.

How Is Learning Python Beneficial?

Learning Python can prove to be highly beneficial due to its ever-growing popularity. Its unlimited and unstopping usage in different industries has led to many employment opportunities.

Diverse Python Applications

There is no one in the field who's unaware of its diverse applications in different industries.

Its versatility has made it a much preferred language in many domains including-

  • Web Development - Its frameworks like Flask and Django are the leaders in backend web development.
  • Data Science  - Its libraries like Matlotlib, NumPy and Pandas are particularly helpful in data visualization and analysis.
  • Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence  - Its libraries like Scikit-learn, PyTorch and TensorFlow render this language beneficial for ML & AI.
  • Software Development  - Testing, automation and scripting in software development become flawless with Python.
  • Game Development - Libraries such as tkinter and PyGame enable brilliant game development. 
  • Automation - It plays a big role in automating tasks and streamlining workflows in any organization.

Growing Demand for Python

A latest Emergen Research analysis stated that the Python market size (globally) is forecast to touch USD 100.6 million by the year 2030. Consequently, between the years 2022 and 2030, the industry will expectedly bloom at a CAGR of 44.8%.

Growing Demand for Python

How To Learn Python- 6 Steps to Succeed

These six steps are the only ones needed to answer all questions around how to learn Python from scratch. As a beginner, it is imperative to consider even the smallest factors and make it a learning step.

Learn Python Basics

The first thing to do is begin learning Python basics.

  • Understand the Basics
Since Python's focus is on code readability, it enables programmers to express concepts in a limited line of code. Begin by understanding the basic concepts such as data types, operators and variables.

  • Install Python & Set up the Environment
Prior to commencing coding in Python, it is important to install it and set up a development environment. It is easily downloadable from its official website.

  • Understand the Syntax & Structure
To understand the syntax and the structure of this language, begin by writing the most basic program. This could be the common ‘Hello, World!' script.

  • Functions
In Python, functions refer to blocks of reusable code that are in charge of performing a specific task. Programmers can either use the built-in functions or define their own.

  • Control Flow
Control flow statements give a program the ability to repeat actions and make decisions. Some most common ones are while-loops, if-statements- and for-loops.

  • Python Data Structures
Sets, dictionaries, tuples and lists are a few built-in data structures that come handy for storing and manipulating data in the programs. Learning about them is important.

Master the Intermediate Concepts

Once the basics are covered, it's time to move to mastering the intermediate concepts. These will lay down the path for more advanced understanding.

  • Object-Oriented Programming
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a paradigm that enables programmers to structure the code around classes and objects. It is imperative to gain knowledge of OOP concepts like inheritance, classes, polymorphism and objects. All these will facilitate a more efficient and organized code writing.

  • Working with Libraries
Its plenty of libraries are the reason behind this language's popularity. Getting a working understanding of the top ones is important. Matplotlib is great for data visualization, NumPy is great for numerical computing and Pandas is apt for data manipulation.

  • Error Handling & Exceptions
There are many tools in Python that aid in handling exceptions and errors in the code. The key here is to learn to use except/try blocks & raise exceptions to write robust programs.

Practice Till You Ace it

Since Python is not something that has a theoretical use, one must learn it by working on it. Actively using it is the most effective way to gain in-depth knowledge in this language. Practice will lead to gaining good knowledge of the syntax, libraries and frameworks.

  • Work on Challenging Projects
There are many different projects to work upon as a beginner. It could be a simple data analysis project, a script to automate a routine task or a web application.

  • Apply Learnings to Personal Projects
It is also a good idea to recreate any existing tools or projects that stand out in interest or usefulness. This drives greater learning and implementation.

  • Attend Webinars & Sessions
Webinars and sessions are a great way of learning from different professionals with hands-on experience. They share their learnings and valuable advice that comes in handy for beginners.

Build a Portfolio

Working on different projects is not only useful to hone new skills and polish the existing ones. These projects are great additions to the portfolio and play a huge role in expanding it. This portfolio should be a clear depiction of the interests, skills and capabilities that stand out the most.

Keep Learning & Reinventing Skills

Learning should be a non-stop process, just like Python's growth. Upon mastering the basics, move on to the intermediate-level skills and then move on to advanced level skills. By the time this is done, some new technologies or tools will sprout. Or changes to the existing ones will happen. Keep reinventing and polishing skills to stay in the run for the top jobs in top industries.

Learn from Professionals

One of the best things to do for career growth is to learn from professionals. The best way today is to enroll in an online course that gives the space to learn at one's own pace. There are different courses to meet the needs of different experience levels.

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Bonus Tips For Beginners To Learn Python Effectively

Here are a few tips on how to learn Python effectively for the best reflection on career opportunities.

  1. Pick a Lane
Python is a highly versatile language and has its applications in different domains and job roles, as mentioned above. Web development, data analysis and machine learning are only a few on the list. Beginning a Python journey entails listing out the lane that fits best with career goals and personal interests. As per the lane one picks, the focus libraries, technologies and frameworks change. For instance, NumPy and Pandas are best for data science, while Flask and Django are best for web development.

  1. Practice Regularly
Practicing regularly is certainly the key to perfecting this language. Make it a goal to code every single day, even if that's just for a few minutes. This will help reinforce the learnings, making the process of recalling and application easier. This practice does not even have to be on highly complex projects. Small steps count too!

  1. Be Patient
Learning to code is not an overnight process, even with an easy to learn and use language like Python. There is plenty of learning material out there and it is not possible to go through it all at once. In fact, a lot of it is only understandable after gaining a certain level of knowledge.

  1. Work on Actual Projects
Working on actual projects comes with new challenges that do not generally occur during shorter, practice projects. While simpler projects are a great way to kickstart the learning journey, gradually increasing the complexity is much needed too.

  1. Join a Community
Acing this language does not have to be a monotonous and solitary process. In fact, the Python community is one of the most thriving ones in all the languages, which makes the learning process more fun. Being around like-minded professionals is a great way to keep the motivation level high. There are many communities to pick from. Many communities also host meetups and conferences from time to time. This is another perk of being a part of like-feathered birds.

How To Learn Python for Free?

Wondering how to learn Python for free? Is it even possible? Well, it's definitely possible to take the first steps in this language at no cost. This can be done through online tutorials, blogs and videos. Having said that, these free sources provide limited learning.

These can be used as a means to an end, but not the end itself. Those who are confused whether this language is for them or not can utilize the free sources. Upon deciding, a good training course will be more beneficial.


After uncovering how to learn Python from scratch, the only thing left to do is to get started. Learning Python is certainly a highly rewarding tread, especially because of the numerous career opportunities it unlocks.

The key is to be consistent and stay focused, which is not just limited to the initial learning phase. In fact, with Python, the entire career span will turn into a big learning journey. This is another factor that makes this programming language such a widely preferred one.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) For How To Learn Python

Question. Can I learn Python from scratch?

Python is a great language to be learned from scratch. In fact, it is considered to be an apt first programming language for beginners.

Question. Is 2 years enough to learn Python?

Learning Python basics should take a few weeks. Those who intend to learn more in depth and at an advanced level can do it within a year.

Question. Is Python developer a good career in 2024?

Python developers are high in demand, especially those with data science or ML skills. Organizations are open to hire these professionals by offering high remuneration and good perks.

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